
Ein Jahr in Island (= one year in Iceland)

The first book I read, who made me curious to discover this country after my husband tried to convince me for years

Alles ganz isi (= everything completely easy)

A very funny and interesting book about icelandic culture and everyday life

Wo Elfen noch helfen (= where the elves still help)

A very interesting biography of a german journalist getting a grant in Iceland

Liebe Isländer (= dear Icelanders)

Sommerhelle Nächte ( = summer bright nights)

Auf der Insel der Gletscher und Geysire (= on the island of glaciers and geysers)

111 Gründe Island zu lieben (= 111 reasons to love Iceland)

Wo die wilden Frauen wohnen (= where the wild women live) 

My favourite Iceland's travel guide

My son's favourite travel guide